Glyfada Golf Club of Athens

Your official handicap will be kept in our club's records and in our sportsman's register. You can view the updated list of handicaps on the group website

It is your personal responsibility to inform the Group Secretariat of any change to your personal details so that you receive all our news, sporting or social content quickly, accurately and validly.

All tournaments are conducted in accordance with the USGA R&A Rules of Golf. Do not forget to visit our official website for information and schedules of matches. There you will find the annual schedule for all tournaments.

Glyfada Golf Club of Athens

Subscription payments are made by deposit to the Group's bank account or via POS at our Group offices.
Days and hours of operation: Monday to Saturday 09:00 - 15:30.
email: [email protected]

Note: ​

The Glyfada Golf Club of Athens is a sports club.
It does not manage the Glyfada Golf Course "Kon. Karamanlis" nor the catering and social events area located within the Glyfada Golf Course. For more information click on the following link, to read the most frequently asked questions about our club, stadium and event area.